

blue universe
Photo by Felix Mittermeier on Pexels.com
Energy cannot be created or destroyed. 
It can only be transferred or changed from one form to another.


I dance, whirl, spin, pace, worry, fret, love
with abundance
and the energy of the stars
that exploded me into life
and made my lungs expand, heart thump, limbs flail,
voice sing and cry.

I am of the dust that shaped the earth
before the Earth existed,
that will one day radiate through the galaxy
when our Earth is but a moment,
a heartbeat,
a flash of memory in an eternity of time.

Will I be a waterfall, sweeping over wadis, reshaping the past?
A blade of grass reaching for the sun?
Sand tumbled from a shore by waves and carried across the seas?
Ash offered to the heavens from a blaze?

Maybe I will whisper as I sweep through forest branches,
sing as I flow from a bird's beak,
glide as cloud through the palest, sweetest blue sky.

And I will collide with the energy of you all,
recombine, recreate, rejoin.
Transformed, yet still the same.
The energy of stars when when all we are is dust.

-- Sinéad O'Rourke